Certification of 

Crime Prevention Specialists 

Any active member may, after meeting the requirements of the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association (MNCPA) Certified Crime Prevention Committee, have the distinction of carrying the title of “Certified Crime Prevention Specialist” (CCPS) and shall maintain that certification based on the following list of requirements.

A person shall be a MNCPA member, in good standing, and maintain that membership. Active membership is determined by attendance at crime prevention meetings/trainings/crime prevention conference and earning a minimum of eight (8) P.O.S.T. or CEU’s in Crime Prevention.

The MNCPA course known as the Crime Prevention Practitioners Course, is the primary authorized course of instruction.  The CCPS Certification Committee must approve all other courses. It will be the responsibility of the student to provide proof of completion of the course, to include, passing grades (C or above) to the MNCPA Board of Directors. The MNCPA Board of Directors will approve/deny the eligibility of the individual(s) to participate in taking the CCPS certification exam. Individuals MUST follow all membership guidelines as set forth in MNCPA Bylaws and Policy and Procedures.

Upon application to take the CCPS exam, the applicant shall provide the committee with documentation verifying the applicant’s successful completion of the required course of instruction. Documentation shall include a certificate of completion, a copy of the course outline and/or a list of the subject matter covered in the course as well as the course length, (number of hours).

The minimum passing score of the CCPS exam is 75%. Testing will be provided at the annual MNCPA conference and other times deemed necessary to accommodate the MNCPA member.

The CCPS Course is offered every other year. Check out the Training Calendar for upcoming training opportunities.